
I study how people at the margins of the Information Society invent themselves as users of new media, as well as the socio-technical practices that emerge from this use. I favor qualitative research methods, in particular ethnography; China and Myanmar are my main field sites.

I am a lecturer in Global Digital Cultures at the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London.

In 2015-2017 I was a lecturer in Global Digital Culture at the Centre for Global Media and Communications, SOAS, University of London.

In 2014-2015, I was a Research Fellow at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information at Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore.
NOTE: images not otherwise credited are © E. Oreglia, 2015. |

Oreglia, E., Srinivasan, J. (2019) Human and Non-Human Intermediation in Rural Agricultural Markets, Journal of Cultural Economy, DOI: 10.1080/17530350.2018.1544918 [AD]

Oreglia, E., Ling, R. 2018) Popular Digital Imagination: Grass-Root Conceptualization of the Mobile Phone in the Global South, Journal of Communication, Volume 68, Issue 3, June 2018, pp 570-589 [AD]

Finn, M., Oreglia, E. (2016) “A Fundamentally Confused Document: Situation Reports and the Work of Producing Humanitarian Information.” Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, San Francisco, CA, 29 Feb-2 Mar. [AD] Best Paper Award.

Oreglia, E., Srinivasan, J. (2016) ICT, Intermediaries, and the Transformation of Gendered Power Structures. MISQ 40.2. [AD]
Burrell, J., Oreglia, E. (2015) The Myth of Market Price Information: Mobile Phones and the Application of Economic Knowledge in ICTD. Economy and Society 44.2. [AD]


Oreglia, E., Srinivasan, J., Krish, R. (2017). Intermediaries, Cash Economies, and Technological Change in Myanmar and India. Report for the Institute for Money, Technology, and Financial Inclusion.

Srinivasan, V., Oreglia, E. (2015) Giving Agency to the End-User. Netpehchaan - Centre for Communication and Development Studies, Pune, India.

Oreglia, E. (2014) 互联网潮流:互联网在中国农村的应用概况. Chinese Translation of the Conference Paper “The Sent-Down Internet: Going Online in Rural China" in 当代海外中国研究 (Journal of Chinese Studies Abroad). |
I have a PhD in Information Management & Systems from the UC Berkeley School of Information.

I also have a Master’s in Information Management & Systems from the same School, and a Master’s in Asian Studies from the University of San Francisco, where I was a Fulbright Scholar from 1997 to 1999.

My dissertation, entitled “From Farm to Farmville: Circulation, Adoption, and Use of Information and Communication Technologies between Urban and Rural China” (winner of the 2014 AoIR Dissertation Award), is an ethnographic study of the diffusion of mobile phones (and some computers) between Beijing and three villages in the Provinces of Hebei and Shandong. I followed the migration routes of rural residents, in order to understand how new media reached the countryside, and how people integrated them into their family and communal lives.

Digital Technologies and Myanmar
Two projects on the recent diffusion of mobile phones in Myanmar: Intermediaries, Cash Economies, and Technological Change in Myanmar and India, with Janaki Srinivasan of IIIT Bangalore with funding from IMTFI, and The Digital Imagination in Myanmar, with Rich Ling and other colleagues at NTU to explore mobile phone connectivity and socio-economic changes in Myanmar, with funding from NTU and Telenor.

Beyond Markets
An NSF-supported project with Jenna Burrell on mobile phones in trade and livelihoods in China, Ghana, Uganda & India. Profiles of users, resources, and related publications are available here.

Africa’s Many Chinas
In collaboration with Kathi Kitner at Intel, working to understand the Chinese presence in the African’s telecommunication sector. The final report is here.