Qualitative Research Methods
Lecturer, Fall 2016, SOAS Centre for Media Studies
Postgraduate-level introduction to qualitative research methods.

MA in Global Digital Cultures
MA Convener and Lecturer, On-going, SOAS Centre for Media Studies

The MA explores the global dimensions of digital cultures, focusing on digital creativity and practices in the global South. The first term centers around contemporary theories of the digital and of the Information Society, and the second looks at global digital practices in the Global South.

Social and Organizational Issues of Information
Co-Instructor; Spring 2014;
UC Berkeley School of Information

A graduate-level class on the social aspects of media, which sets the design and use of contemporary media in the larger and longer-term context of social (and individual) assumptions about and attitudes towards technology.

Information and Communication Technologies and Development
Instructor; Spring 2014; UC Berkeley School of Information

A graduate-level seminar on the theoretical foundations of ICT & Development

Effects of Mass Media
Graduate Student Instructor; Fall 2013; UC Berkeley Media Studies

Undergraduate-level introductory class on the effects of mass media, with a focus on new media. A core part of the class was creating a collaborative mind-map of the concepts studied – an example is here
Technology and Poverty
Instructor; Summer 2013;
UC Berkeley School of Information

Undergraduate-level class to examine the interplay between technological systems, post-colonial legacies, economic activities, social structures and practices in the lives of the “poor.” Note that most of the content is in a password-protected site.
Social and Organizational Issues of Information
Graduate Student Instructor; Spring 2012 and Spring 2013; UC Berkeley School of Information

Rural Development in China
Guest Lecturer; Spring 2010; The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies, Beijing, China

A series of lectures for both undergraduate students and visiting scholars participating to the China Contact program on the history of rural development in China, issues of internal migration, rural-urban gaps, and the role played by technology and policy in them.

Virtual Communities and Social Media
Graduate Student Instructor; Spring 2008 and Spring 2009; UC Berkeley Department of Sociology, cross-listed with the School of Information

An undergraduate-level course on the theory and practice of social media and communities.

Information Systems and Service Design: Strategy, Models, and Methods
Graduate Student Instructor; Fall 2008;
UC Berkeley School of Information

A graduate-level introduction to the design life-cycle for information systems and services. |